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Parrish (1961)

Storyline : Parrish McLean lives with his mother Ellen on Sala Post's tobacco plantation in the Connecticut River Valley. His mother...

Storyline : Parrish McLean lives with his mother Ellen on Sala Post's tobacco plantation in the Connecticut River Valley. His mother winds up marrying Sala's rival Judd Raike, ruthless planter who wants to drive Sala out of business. Judd insists that Parrish learn the business from the ground up. {full_page}
Stars: Troy Donahue, Claudette Colbert, Karl Malden, Dean Jagger, Connie Stevens, Dub Taylor, Diane McBain, Sharon Hugueny, Sam Harris, David Knapp, Bibi Osterwald, Sylvia Miles, Hampton Fancher, Hayden Rorke, Bess Flowers, Mike Lally, Sara Taft

Parrish part 2 

Parrish part 3

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