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W la Foca (1982)

Storyline : Andrea, a nice girl, move from Veneto (north of Italy) to Roma in search of a new job. She is immediately em...

Storyline : Andrea, a nice girl, move from Veneto (north of Italy) to Roma in search of a new job. She is immediately employed as a nurse in a medical practice. Togheter with the doctor and his family she soon is involved in a never-ending game of misunderstanding, couples exchange, sexual seductions and trivial jokes. {full_page}
Stars :  Lory Del Santo, Michela Miti, Riccardo Billi, Fabio Grossi, Victor Cavallo, Franco Bracardi, Giovanni Attanasio, Enio Drovandi, Anna Fall, Carmine Faraco, Carlo Marini 

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