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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)

S toryline :  An eccentric professor invents wacky machinery but can't seem to make ends meet. When h...

Storyline : An eccentric professor invents wacky machinery but can't seem to make ends meet. When he invents a revolutionary car, a foreign government becomes interested in it and resorts to skulduggery to get their hands on it. {full_page}
Stars : Dick Van Dyke ,Sally Ann Howes ,Adrian Hall ,Heather Ripley ,Lionel Jeffries ,Gert Fröbe, Anna Quayle ,Benny Hill ,James Robertson Justice ,Robert Helpmann ,Barbara Windsor ,Davy Kaye ,Stanley Unwin ,Peter Arne ,Desmond Llewelyn ,Victor Maddern ,Arthur Mullard ,Max Wall ,Gerald Campion

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