Storyline : With Argento's trademark visual style, linked with one of his more coherent plots, Tenebrae follows a writer who arrives t...
Storyline : With Argento's trademark visual style, linked with one of his more coherent plots, Tenebrae follows a writer who arrives to Rome only to find somebody is using his novels as the inspiration (and, occasionally, the means) of committing murder. As the death toll mounts the police are ever baffled, and the writer becomes more closely linked to the case than is comfortable. {full_page}
Stars : Anthony Franciosa, Christian Borromeo, Mirilla D'Angelo, Verónica Lario, Ania Pieroni, Eva Robins, Carola Stagnaro, John Steiner, Lara Wendel, Daria Nicolodi, John Saxon, Giuliano Gemma