S toryline : An anonymous, but deadly man rides into a town torn by war between two factions, the Baxters and the Rojo's. Instead of...
Storyline : An anonymous, but deadly man rides into a town torn by war between two
factions, the Baxters and the Rojo's. Instead of fleeing or dying, as
most other would do, the man schemes to play the two sides off each
other, getting rich in the bargain. {full_page}
Stars: Clint Eastwood, Marianne Koch, Gian Maria Volonté, Wolfgang Lukschy, Sieghardt Rupp, Joseph Egger, Antonio Prieto, José Calvo, Margarita Lozano, Daniel MartÃn, Benito Stefanelli, Mario Brega, Bruno Carotenuto, Aldo Sambrell

A Fistful Of Dollars Russian