S toryline : Gunfighter "Brazos" Kane lays aside his guns "forever" when he is forced to shoot his best friend, and d...
Storyline : Gunfighter "Brazos" Kane lays aside his guns "forever" when he is forced
to shoot his best friend, and decides to join another friend, Bob
Tyrell, as a cowhand on the Inskip ranch. Upon arriving there he finds
the bullet-riddled body of his friend. He carries the body to the Banner
ranch, the largest in the territory, and is accused by Banner of
murdering Tyrell; Banner orders Deputy Sheriff Bill Yount, who is in
Banner's pay, to arrest Kane.{full_page}
Stars: Randolph Scott , Barbara Britton , Bruce Cabot , Charley Grapewin , Steven Geray , Forrest Tucker , Charles Kemper , Grant Withers , John Miles , Griff Barnett , Dorothy Hart