Storyline : The Devil comes home to Missouri. On a foggy night in the small southern town of Whitewater, Missouri, a local sheriff is ca...
Storyline : The Devil comes home to Missouri. On a foggy night in the small southern
town of Whitewater, Missouri, a local sheriff is called to the roadside
scene of a violent execution style murder. When the victim is
identified as a mob connected thug with local ties, the sheriff must
determine if the murder is a message - either to him or for him.
However, the gathering storm of violence heading his way will leave no
time for second guessing. {full_page}
Stars: Skully Shemwell , Darren Burgfeld , J.W. McCrary , Kevin Alexander , Erin Bailey , Patrick Bond , Bozana Cavar , Shannon Cook , Bart Elfrink , Matt Elfrink , Scott Elsey , Brandon Fish , Rob Gauthier , Jason Grubbs , Tana Howard