Storyline : Kowalski works for a car delivery service. He takes delivery of a 1970 Dodge Challenger to take from Colorado to San Francisc...
Storyline : Kowalski works for a car delivery service. He takes delivery of a 1970 Dodge Challenger to take from Colorado to San Francisco, California. Shortly after pickup, he takes a bet to get the car there in less than 15 hours. After a few run-ins with motorcycle cops and highway patrol they start a chase to bring him into custody. {full_page}
Stars: Barry Newman , Cleavon Little , Dean Jagger , Victoria Medlin , Karl Swenson , Lee Weaver , John Amos , Tom Reese , Paul Koslo , Robert Donner , Owen Bush , Bill Drake , Severn Darden , Delaney Bramlett , Bonnie Bramlett , Bekka Bramlett