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Bikini Summer 2 (1992)

Storyline  :   A pair of rich daddy's girls discover a bum and take him home because he is starving. In return, ...

Storyline  :  A pair of rich daddy's girls discover a bum and take him home because he is starving. In return, the bum teaches them about the real world and helps them start a rock-and-roll band. Meanwhile, the rich family has problems: the husband likes S&M with women other than his wife, while the wife likes to watch a sexy home shopping TV channel.  {full_page}
Stars  :  Jessica Hahn, Maureen Flaherty, Melinda Armstrong, Robert Miano, Richard Arbolino, Michele Conaway, Brian Cassidy, Carrie Bittner, Tammy Marcel, Tracy Dali, Jason Clow, Adrian Yvonne Black, Heike Drewnick, Patrick Askin

Bikini Summer 2 part 2

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