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Cherry 2000 (1987)

Storyline : In 2017, a rich man travels to the ends of the earth to find that the perfect woman is always under his n...

Storyline : In 2017, a rich man travels to the ends of the earth to find that the perfect woman is always under his nose. When successful businessman Sam Treadwell finds that his animatronic wife, Cherry 2000 has shorted out, he hires sexy renegade tracker E. Johnson to find her exact duplicate. Their journey to replace his perfect mate leads them into the treacherous and lawless region of Zone 7, under the tyrannical overlord Lester. During their journey, Treadwell learns the hard way that the perfect woman is made not of computer chips and diodes, but of real flesh and blood. {full_page}
Stars :  Melanie Griffith, David Andrews, Jennifer Balgobin, Marshall Bell, Harry Carey Jr., Laurence Fishburne, Pamela Gidley, Michael C. Gwynne, Brion James, Ben Johnson, Tim Thomerson, Robert Z'Dar, Sly Smith

Cherry 2000 English Version

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