Storyline : Divided into four episodes, the film tells the story of Tommaso and Giulia and their love; the story of Barbara and Marco and...
Storyline : Divided into four episodes, the film tells the story of Tommaso and Giulia and their love; the story of Barbara and Marco and their crisis after years of love; the story of Ornella who faces the drama of Betrayal with grit and the story of Goffredo who has been left and relies on the advice of a Love Manual found in a bookstore... {full_page}
Cast : Carlo Verdone, Silvio Muccino, Luciana Littizzetto, Sergio Rubini, Margherita Buy, Jasmine Trinca, Rodolfo Corsato, Dino Abbrescia, Dario Bandiera, Alessandro Mistichelli, Luis Molteni, Anna Orso, Sabrina Impacciatore {fbt_slider_post}
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