Storyline : The movie (based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks) follows two young lovers named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun , who mee...
Storyline : The movie (based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks) follows two young lovers named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun , who meet one evening at a carnival in the 40s. But they come from different backgrounds and when World War II breaks out, they are separated. Seven years later, after waiting for Noah for several years after the war, Allie meets a handsome young soldier named Lon. He proposes to her, she accepts, and they are engaged. Allie then sees a story about Noah in the newspaper and she stops by his 200-year-old home to see if he's okay. It is still evident he has feelings for her - will true first love realize itself before its too late? {full_page}
Stars : Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams, James Garner, Sam Shepard, Gena Rowlands, James Marsden, Kevin Connolly, Joan Allen {fbt_gallery_post}