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Born Free (1966)

Storyline :   Married couple George Adamson and Joy Adamson have long lived in northern Kenya for George's work as the senior game war...

Storyline :  Married couple George Adamson and Joy Adamson have long lived in northern Kenya for George's work as the senior game warden of the region. One of George's primary responsibilities is to deal with dangerous animals that may be chronically threatening to humans, livestock and/or crops. It is in this vein that George and his staff end up killing a man eating lion and its lioness, resulting in their three young female cubs being orphaned. Although difficult to begin, George and Joy are able to wean and take care of the three cubs, who they adopt as pets. But soon, they know they have to provide a more suitable environment for the cubs, namely sending them to Rotterdam Zoo... that is except for the smallest, who they have named Elsa and to who Joy in particular has become attached as the emotional fighter among the three. As Elsa grows into lioness maturity, George and Joy provide her with greater freedom away from their property, which may get her into trouble as a largely tame animal. {full_page}
Stars :  Virginia McKenna,  Bill Travers,  Geoffrey Keen,  Peter Lukoye,  Omar Chambati, Bill Godden,  Robert S. Young,  Bryan Epsom,  Robert Cheetham,  Geoffrey Best  {fbt_gallery_post}

Vivre Libre  French Version

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