Storyline : This is the second in the Angélique series. Picking up where the previous adventure ended, Angélique joins her...
Storyline : This is the second in the Angélique series. Picking up where the previous adventure ended, Angélique joins her childhood friend Nicolas and his band of bandits. But when tragedy hits, the beautiful and ever resourceful Angélique finds a way to move on. She rescues her children, becomes a successful businesswoman by running her own restaurant, and becomes entangled in politics. But where will her heart lead her next...? {full_page}
Stars : Michèle Mercier, Jean Rochefort, Claude Giraud, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Giuliano Gemma, Claire Maurier, Ernst Schröder, Charles Regnier, Jacques Toja, François Maistre, Noël Roquevert, Rosalba Neri, Serge Marquand, Robert Hoffmann, Malka Rikowska