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Coming to America (1988)

Storyline :   It is the 21st birthday of Prince Akeem of Zamunda and he is to marry a woman he never saw before. Now the prince breaks wi...

Storyline :  It is the 21st birthday of Prince Akeem of Zamunda and he is to marry a woman he never saw before. Now the prince breaks with tradition and travels to America to look for the love of his life.{full_page}
Stars :  Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Shari Headley, James Earl Jones, John Amos, Allison Dean, Madge Sinclair, Paul Bates, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Eriq La Salle, Don Ameche, Ralph Bellamy, Cuba Gooding Jr., Frankie Faison, Samuel L. Jackson, Vondie Curtis-Hall {fbt_gallery_post}

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