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Wednesday, March 5



California Suite (1978)

S toryline :  Four totally different and separate stories of guests staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Diane Barrie  an...

Storyline :  Four totally different and separate stories of guests staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Diane Barrie  and Sidney Cochran come from England to attend the Oscars; Hannah Warren comes from New York City, Bill Warren is her ex who lives in California; in the slapstick part, Dr. Willis Panama, Dr. Chauncey Gump, and their wives come to the hotel to relax and play tennis, only to find there is only one room vacant; in the fourth segment, Marvin Michaels arrives a day before his wife for his nephew's Bar Mitzvah, while his brother Harry sends a prostitute to his room. 
Cast :  Alan Alda, Jane Fonda, Maggie Smith, Michael Caine, Walter Matthau, Richard Pryor, Bill Cosby, Elaine May, James Coburn

California Suite Spanish Version

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