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Fantasia (1940)

Storyline : Being the first of is kind, Fantasia is a cinematic musical experience that combines Western classical music with stunning visu...

Storyline : Being the first of is kind, Fantasia is a cinematic musical experience that combines Western classical music with stunning visual animation from Walt Disney and his team of animators. Segments include "Ave Maria," "The Nutcracker Suite," "Night on Bald Mountain", "Rite of Spring" and "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," with an appearance by Mickey Mouse. Conducted by Leopold Stokowski with the Philadelphia Orchestra. {full_page}
Casting : Leopold Stokowski, Deems Taylor, Corey Burton, Walt Disney, Julietta Novis, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Hugh Douglas, Tim Matheson, James MacDonald {fbt_gallery_post}

Fantasia Musical

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