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Rockula (1990)

Storyline : Rockula is about a male vampire who lost his lady love centuries ago. She was killed by a pirate with a rhinestone peg leg, wi...

Storyline : Rockula is about a male vampire who lost his lady love centuries ago. She was killed by a pirate with a rhinestone peg leg, wielding a large ham bone. Our hero, the vampire, did nothing to save her. So he is now cursed to watch her be born again in another life, and then watch her die, strangely enough by a pirate with a rhinestone peg leg, wielding you-know-what. Now, in 1990, he has, he suspects, his last chance to try to save her instead of watching get clubbed over and over again down through the years. Oh, and he becomes a rock star in the process. {full_page}
Cast : Dean Cameron, Toni Basil, Thomas Dolby, Tawny Fere" Ellis, Susan Tyrrell, Bo Diddley, Kevin Hunter, Nancye Ferguson, Rick Zumwalt, Tamara De Treaux, Tony Cox, Greg Rusin, Bill Brochtrup, Dean Minerd, Sloan Fischer  {fbt_gallery_post}

English Version

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