Storyline : Mufasa, a young lion cub separated from his parents by a flood, finds himself rescued by another cub named Taka. They form a s...
Storyline : Mufasa, a young lion cub separated from his parents by a flood, finds himself rescued by another cub named Taka. They form a strong bond despite their differing backgrounds, but their friendship is tested when a threat to their pride forces them to confront their pasts and determine their true loyalties. {full_page}
Cast : Aaron Pierre, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Seth Rogen, Billy Eichner, John Kani, Mads Mikkelsen, Thandiwe Newton, Blue Ivy Carter, Tiffany Boone, Keith David, Donald Glover, Anika Noni, Rose Lennie, James Folake, Olowofoyeku Beyoncé, Abdul Salis {fbt_gallery_post}

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