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Friday, March 14



Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970)

S toryline : Set in Mexico, a nun called Sara is rescued from three cowboys by Hogan, who is on his way to do some reconnaissance, for a...

Storyline : Set in Mexico, a nun called Sara is rescued from three cowboys by Hogan, who is on his way to do some reconnaissance, for a future mission to capture a French fort. The French are chasing Sara, but not for the reasons she tells Hogan, so he decides to help her in return for information about the fort defences. Inevitably the two become good friends but Sara has a secret..  
Stars: Shirley MacLaine , Clint Eastwood , Manuel Fábregas , Alberto Morin , Armando Silvestre , John Kelly , Enrique Lucero , David Estuardo , Ada Carrasco , Pancho Córdova , José Chávez , José Ángel Espinosa , Rosa Furman

Two Mules for Sister Sara English

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