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Friday, March 14



Strictly Ballroom (1992)

Storyline : Scott Hastings is a champion caliber ballroom dancer, but much to the chagrin of the Australian ballroom dance community, Sc...

Storyline : Scott Hastings is a champion caliber ballroom dancer, but much to the chagrin of the Australian ballroom dance community, Scott believes in dancing "his own steps". Fran is a beginning dancer and a bit of an ugly duckly who has the audacity to ask to be Scott's partner after his unorthodox style causes his regular partner to dance out of his life.  
Stars: Paul Mercurio , Tara Morice , Bill Hunter , Antonio Vargas , Armonia Benedito , Pat Thomson , Barry Otto , Gia Carides , Peter Whitford , John Hannan , Sonia Kruger , Kris McQuade , Pip Mushin , Leonie Page

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