Storyline : Classic tale of teenage rebellion and repression features a delightful combination of dance choreography an...
Storyline : Classic tale of teenage rebellion and repression features a delightful combination of dance choreography and realistic and touching performances. When teenager Ren McCormack and his family move from big-city Chicago to a small Midwestern town, he's in for a real case of culture shock. Though he tries hard to fit in, the streetwise Ren can't quite believe he's living in a place where rock music and dancing are illegal. However, there is one small pleasure: Ariel Moore, a troubled but lovely blonde with a jealous boyfriend. {full_page}
Stars: Kevin Bacon , Lori Singer , Dianne Wiest , John Lithgow , Sarah Jessica Parker , Chris Penn , Frances Lee McCain , Jim Youngs , John Laughlin , Lynne Marta , Douglas Dirkson