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Thursday, March 13



Bonnie's Kids (1972)

Storyline :    Sisters Myra and Ellie have finally had enough of their miserable, dead-end lives. When their step-father Charley (The Bon...

Storyline :  Sisters Myra and Ellie have finally had enough of their miserable, dead-end lives. When their step-father Charley (The Bonnie from the title being long dead) tried to rape Myra, Ellie ventilates him with a shotgun, and the pair run off to their wealthy uncle's mansion in El Paso. From that point on, the two undergo a transformation in their personalities, and start to enjoy living their lives on the wild side.  
Stars: Tiffany Bolling     , Steve Sandor , Robin Mattson , Scott Brady , Alex Rocco , Max Showalter , Leo Gordon , Lenore Stevens , Timothy Brown , Nicholas Cortland , Luanne Roberts , Hal Baylor , Garrison True     , Diana Darrin , Ron Gans

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