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Saturday, March 15



Tendres Cousines (1980)

Storyline :  Summer 1939 in the Provence, France: the 14 years old Julien has a crush on his cousin Julia, who lives to...

Storyline :  Summer 1939 in the Provence, France: the 14 years old Julien has a crush on his cousin Julia, who lives together with his family in their small hotel. Unfortunately she ignores him, because she's several years older. Then the hotel guest Charles enters the competition, a slimy twenty-something who lusts for the girl, despite the fact that he's engaged. 
Stars: Thierry Tevini, Anja Schüte, Valérie Dumas, Évelyne Dandry, Elisa Servier, Jean-Yves Chatelais, Macha Méril 

Tendres Cousines part 2

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