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Saturday, March 15



Sweethearts (1938)

S toryline : A musical comedy duo in their 6th year on Broadway receive an offer to perform in Hollywood making films. T...

Storyline : A musical comedy duo in their 6th year on Broadway receive an offer to perform in Hollywood making films. The change of lifestyle is inviting to the Sweethearts as the move will take them away from relatives and friends who want to engage them in countless performances. However, when it comes to signing their Hollywood contract they do not sign as Gwen has been perceived into believing her seetheart and husband is engaged in an affair with their personal assistant.  
Stars: Jeanette MacDonald , Nelson Eddy , Frank Morgan , Ray Bolger , Florence Rice , Mischa Auer , Herman Bing , George Barbier , Reginald Gardiner , Fay Holden , Allyn Joslyn , Lucile Watson , Gene Lockhart , Kathleen Lockhart

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