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Sunday, March 16



The Wizard of Oz (1939)

S toryline :  In this charming film based on the popular L. Frank Baum stories, Dorothy and her dog Toto are caught in a tornado's path...

Storyline : In this charming film based on the popular L. Frank Baum stories, Dorothy and her dog Toto are caught in a tornado's path and somehow end up in the land of Oz. Here she meets some memorable friends and foes in her journey to meet the Wizard of Oz who everyone says can help her return home and possibly grant her new friends their goals of a brain, heart and courage. 
Stars : Judy Garland , Frank Morgan , Ray Bolger , Jack Haley , Bert Lahr , Billie Burke , Margaret Hamilton , Clara Blandick , Charley Grapewin , Pat Walshe , Terry as Toto , Mitchell Lewis , Charlie Becker , Meinhardt Raabe , Jakob "Jackie" Gerlich , Jerry Maren , Billy Curtis

Italian Version

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